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August 18, 2020

Chairman Thompson: Chad Wolf Continues to Politicize DHS

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on Chad Wolf’s politically charged and misleading interview on the Axios on HBO television show last night: 

“It is galling for Chad Wolf, who was named Acting Secretary unlawfully and continues to act illegitimately in that position, to use a primetime television appearance to attempt to rewrite history about the Trump Administration’s attacks on protestors in Portland, mislead the American people on mail-in voting, and falsely characterize Antifa as a top threat. Not only did he neglect to mention the failed ongoing Federal response to the coronavirus pandemic, he apparently thought it would be appropriate to execute a political hit job on Democratic candidates for the President’s benefit.  This is completely unethical for a national security cabinet official.

“The Department of Homeland Security’s national security mission is supposed to be non-partisan and should operate outside the realm of campaign politics. Instead, Mr. Wolf continues to politicize the Department, to the detriment of the agency and its mission. DHS, and the country, need better leadership to keep people safe and secure from the many threats we face, including addressing the ongoing pandemic that has killed over 170,000 Americans.”

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Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978